flowchart LR %% Latent Variables total1["Total1"] procedural1["Procedural1"] conceptual1["Conceptual1"] transfer1["Transfer1"] total2["Total2"] procedural2["Procedural2"] conceptual2["Conceptual2"] transfer2["Transfer2"] %% Relationships between Latent Variables total1 --> procedural1 total1 --> conceptual1 total1 --> transfer1 total2 --> procedural2 total2 --> conceptual2 total2 --> transfer2 %% Regressions mentl_ffrt_tg1["Mental Effort TG1"] engagement_tg1["Engagement TG1"] Note["Note"] SchulniveSpzSk["Schulnive Special"] SchulniveauSek["Schulniveau Sek"] Schlklss8["8th Class"] Schlklss9["9th Class"] GeschlechtF["Gender Female"] mentl_ffrt_tg2["Mental Effort TG2"] engagement_tg2["Engagement TG2"] %% Arrows for total1 regressions total1 -->|0.002| mentl_ffrt_tg1 total1 -->|-0.001| engagement_tg1 total1 -->|0.038| Note total1 -->|0.144| SchulniveSpzSk total1 -->|0.025| SchulniveauSek total1 -->|-0.018| Schlklss8 total1 -->|-0.050| Schlklss9 total1 -->|-0.008| GeschlechtF %% Arrows for total2 regressions total2 -->|0.017| mentl_ffrt_tg1 total2 -->|0.008| engagement_tg1 total2 -->|-0.022| mentl_ffrt_tg2 total2 -->|0.002| engagement_tg2 total2 -->|0.121| Note total2 -->|0.166| SchulniveSpzSk total2 -->|0.033| SchulniveauSek total2 -->|0.052| Schlklss8 total2 -->|0.030| Schlklss9 total2 -->|-0.002| GeschlechtF %% Covariances total1 <-->|0.014| total2 %% Variances classDef variance fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; procedural1:::variance conceptual1:::variance transfer1:::variance procedural2:::variance conceptual2:::variance transfer2:::variance
Structural Equation Model Diagram
This diagram captures the latent variable relationships, regression pathways, covariances, and variances for the structural equation model described.
Bitte zitieren Sie diese Arbeit als:
Conrardy, R. (n.d.). Structural Equation Model Diagram.
University of Teacher Education Bern. https://phbern-rconrardy.github.io/lerngelegenheiten/